High Assurance Threat Modeling

About this event

Hear from Dave Soldera as he shares his experience in threat modeling within a company specializing in software as a medical device. Dave will discuss the methodology and processes that he used to integrate threat modeling into the company's Software Security Development Life Cycle (SSDLC), ultimately delivering value by providing clear evidence to auditors that security was a top priority during software construction.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Discover how including a consistency validation activity in your threat modelling process leads to a high assurance threat model.
  2. Learn how to achieve consistency through cross-referencing data and, to some extent, the use of effective tools.
  3. Uncover how consistency plays a pivotal role in answering the fundamental question, "Did we do a good job?" as outlined in the “4-question framework”.





  • http://tinyurl.com/threat-model-template: Threat Model Template example (a Google Doc), shows Overall layout, different tables used, columns in each table capturing information.
  • https://threatware.readthedocs.io/en/main: a tool to automate some consistency and coverage checking for the template, more information on the approach to Threat Modelling that the speaker uses, detailed documentation on how to populate the Threat Modelling Template.