Threat Model Collections

Need some inspiration for your first or 1000th threat model? Browse a variety of threat models crafted by our community, created on a napkin, a whiteboard, a spreadsheet, a word document, or some advanced threat modeling tools.

Featured Threat Model 04
A threat model for AI-assisted software featuring extensive frameworks and threat libraries, including STRIDE, LINDDUN,, OWASP, and others.
Featured Threat Model 03
A threat model of a rideshare app, created by the 2024 Hackathon Finalist team using a combination of STRIDE and LINDDUN GO as the primary methodologies.
Featured Threat Model 02
A threat model of a rideshare app created by the finalist team of the 2023 Threat Modeling Hackathon using ATASM, c4 methodology, and graphviz.
Featured Threat Model 01
The scope of the threat model is a microservice application (RideShare) and associated directly interacting entities such as data stores and middleware.